

Short film, nominee for New Visions and Voices festival, about a man who decides to turn his life into a publicly traded company and let's shareholders decide his life for him.


16mm Arriflex, Kodak Vision2 200
BlackMagic CC



Development Diary

This film was first inspired by a Wired article I read about a man who actually did turn his life into a company. I decided to shoot this in mixed formats, analogue and digital, to contrast the sense of realism between the boardroom and the date. Location was probably the biggest comprimise I had to make for this film, and the one I regret making most in hindsight. The biggest miss was probably my having decided against going all out with the gore on the final shot. It lacks a bit of impact and that was probably my largest oversight. It would have been worth the money to invest in proper make up effects there.

Lessons learned:
Mise-en-scene is extra important when you have relatively static and straight forward cinematography.